Our Services
Tag sales
Estate Tag Sale services are offered for those looking to get the most out of their estate. We can conduct a fun and lively tag sale within the home in the span of a weekend.
Collection Liquidation
Some collections need special attention to detail to ensure that our clients are properly paid when they downsize or sell their assets
Art & Antique Appraisals
For those looking to best assess the value of their property

Tag Sales
Our Working Process
Our dedicated staff will walkthrough your estate, and speak with you to determine if a tag sale would be appropriate.
Both parties will sign on to a contract finalizing the specific details of the sale. Dates will be arranged for the set-up and sale.
Set Up
Our staff will move to tag items, as well as set up displays and checkout stations. This may vary depending on the size of the estate. Most of our sales are advertised online through Facebook and other media outlets.
The sale will be conducted over the span of 3-4 days. As a general rule: we will offer no discounts on any merchandise on the first few days. Dealers will not be allowed viewing or early access before the sale.
Close out
After the sale ends, everything that has not sold will be discussed with our client. We will pack out our equipment, and payment might take up to a 5 business days to process.
*Closing discounts will be discussed prior to the sale.

Collection Liquidation
What We Buy
Our company believes that every collector deserves to be adequately reimbursed whenever they liquidate their inventory. We offer to buy these collections so that you are rightly compensated for your investment.
- Art
- Antiques
- Coinage
- Bullion
- Sculptures
- Paper Goods
- Advertising
- Artifacts

Art and antique appraisals
Get an Expert appraisal
Don’t guess the value of your property. Have our experienced appraisers give you an accurate price estimate before you sell. Contact us today if you are interested in an appraisal